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Last Minute Gift Ideas | writer and bookworm edition

Merry Christmas everyone!! Cues the twinkling lights

I love Christmas, the whole Christmas season. From the decorations, hot chocolate, and Christmas movies like The Grinch Stole Christmas to the story of my savior’s birth.

And I especially looove Giving gifts. I will sit and think endlessly over if the gift I have picked out is the perfect one or if I should ditch the idea and find something else.

But some of the hardest people to buy gifts for are writers and readers. I mean what do they like other than writing and reading? Should you give them a number to a therapist?

All jokes aside, I am here to help!

Section one: Readers

1.       Books

I know that this might seem like an obvious thing, but you would be surprised on how few books are gifted to us readers. You might not know the genre they read enough to feel comfortable guessing something they would like. Or you might be put off by the fact that they have seemingly every book known to man shoved into their bookshelf. You might want to try giving them one of your favorite books even if it isn’t something that they normally talk about. Who knows it might become their next five star read! (And trust me when I say every book is deeply appreciated)


This may seem like a silly thing to give a reader, I mean just look at them with all their books, they must have so many bookmarks. Right? Well not necessarily. You see your initial thought about us readers having bookmarks is correct, but we are always short/don’t have one with us. Always. We use anything from gum wrappers to unused Kleenex to mark the spot in our book. So having a nice leather, custom, or handmade bookmark is always welcome.

3.       Fuzzy socks

Every reader needs fuzzy socks. They set the mood so well, the soft cozy feel on their toes. sighs

4.       Reading basket

This is a very personalized gift, for example if you know that your reader friend just finished Dust by Kara Swanson and they can’t stop talking about it totally not speaking from experience you could get them a basket with the next book (Shadow) and some merchandise. Ideas include tea, themed cookie mix, bookmarks, candy, tote bag, ext.

5.       Bookstore gift cards

This one is kida self-explanatory.

Section two: writers

1.        notebooks and pens

Writers need notebooks and pens; infect most writers I know have a strange hobby of hording said notebooks and pens. They like any shape, size, brand, or color. Us writers really aren’t picky about such things. As long as we have some way to write down that idea that suddenly pops into our head at 1 am.

2.       Books

To be a good writer you must read, and therefore writers need books. Lots of books.

3.       Tea, Coffee, and snacks

When writers get into the mood, don’t expect us to come out of writing zone for hours (or even days) and once we latch on to that mythical strand of never-ending inspiration you can be sure the only thing that we will be running on is chocolate, tea, coffee, and determination.

4.       Candles

As a writer I love candles. The smell, the glow and most importantly what they do to my brain. When I as (as a writer) light a candle I instantly feel drawn into what I am writing. If you know your friends favorite smells you could find them a nice candle to light there way! (a personal favorite of mine is Warm Apple Pie)

5.       A jar of inspiration

This is something I would absolutely LOVE to get on Christmas morning. (also, a slightly cheaper option for those of us who are broke) it is quite a simple gift really, just a jar filled to the brim with prompts, challenges, song lyrics, tips and tricks, and encouraging quotes.

6.       Anything from the Reader list

As a writer I am a reader and would love anything on the reader list so if you aren’t positive  about anything on this list just turn and look at the reader list!

Rock On and Merry Christmas!

~K. Florence

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