I am so exited to finally be doing PART THREE of the Know the Novel post series ready to dive in?
How did writing this novel go all around?
It was an experience to say the least, there was something totally different about writing Project: Raven versus any other book that I have ever written before. The book seemed to fly by and slip through my fingers but at the same time go impossibly slow.
I do have to say this novel had me crying, laughing, and screaming throughout the course of the first draft. And I can’t wait to see where further drafts take this novel!
Did it turn out as you expected or completely different? How do you feel about the outcome?
~laughs~ I have to say Raven didn’t really do as she was told and don’t even get me started on Carson. They both kinda went off on their own and were like “Alright author if you are putting me though this story this is what I am going to do.” Let's just say it was fun to watch them do what they want, for the better or for the worse.
I do have to say I am VERY pleased with how this novel ended despite the roundabout way my MCs got there. There is just something about that ‘fairytale’ ending that always struck me as magical.
What aspect of the story did you love writing about the most? (Characters, plot, setting, prose, etc.)
This is an extremely heard question for me to answer because I loved everything about writing Project: Raven. The plot, characters, setting, and prose. But if you are making me chose just one element that was my favorite I would say the dialogue. The arguments and quotes ~squeals~ I was loving every moment of it.
What was your least favorite part?
My least favorite part I would have to say is the very beginning, before we know the characters like they are our family. Before the real plot beginning, because I see the differences between my writing style when I started writing the book and when I finished writing the book.
What do you feel needs the most work?
I would say developing my settings a little bit more. There are a few places throughout the story that I would love to have developed or described a little better. I want to be able to feel the dirt drifting through the air and taste the rain as it cascades from the sky. but all in all I think I did a pretty solid job!
How do you feel about your characters now? Who’s your favorite? Least favorite? Anyone surprise you? Give us all the details!
My characters have become like a family to me, in fact I told myself that I could take a break from writing them but couldn’t stop myself from starting another story with them in it!
Who is my favorite? Now that is a hard question because if I pick Carson, Raven would be highly offended and might find me while I am sleeping but if I chose Raven, Carson would be hurt. ~sighs~ y’all ask the hardest questions ever. I think I would have to say Carson because he is caring and sweet. He cares about things despite what he was taught and not to mention the fact that he is good with a sword.
My least favorite character is Alexander. He is the announcer for the Crowning, and he is mean. I don’t like him one bit! (though he does have a good character arc)
A character that did surprise me was Belle Blue, a seamstress. She is just a small side character and I wasn’t expecting to grow attached to her as a character but for the short time that she took the stage she was so much fun to write and she has such a bubbly personality. I can’t wait to write her story 😉
What’s your next plan of action with this novel?
Well, there are many steps that I am going to take but the very next is editing it!!! I do have to say I don’t really enjoy editing, never have. but I think this novel might be different! I think I will be able to go through see what needs to be fixed, fill in the holes, and catch the plot bunnies!
If you could have your greatest dream realized for this novel, what would it be?
My greatest dream for this novel is for it to become a New York Times bestseller <3 I want people to be moved by my writing and fall in love with my characters like I have. I hope one day to go on tour with it and share it with the world.
Share some of your favorite snippets!
“Ow!” Raven resisted the urge to pull away from Dawn’s ruthless pin as she fastened the necessary adjustments on her dress. “One of these times you’re going to draw blood.” Raven raised her eyebrow teasingly as she said this, looking at Dawn in the mirror.
“I would be worried about that, but with a heart as frozen as yours, I would be surprised if it could pump blood through your ice-cold veins.” Raven knew it was a joke, but it didn’t matter; the mask instantly slid back over her face, hiding her thoughts. She would have been surprised to see blood in her frigid, sharpened self if she hadn't seen it countless times before.
“You aren’t going to eat?” He didn’t mean for it to sound concerned, but sometimes old habits are hard to shake.
She still didn’t look at him but kept her eyes constantly scanning the crowd. "No, I don’t believe I am.”
“Why in Wonderland not?”
This time she gave him an ice-cold glance before shifting them back, away from him.
“Skies! Why do you keep pestering me?” she countered.
“Why don’t you look at me?” he snapped.
This did it. She turned eyes, once again many layers deep. But he was only able to see the first- deep annoyance with a dash of dislike.
“Because every single time I look at you I want to slit your throat.” Once again, her voice had dropped to the same pitch as before, that same hard breath.
She sat still, staring at him, eyes calculating. Some little part in the back of his head was wondering how long it would take this girl to truly bring him to his knees and beg for mercy. Which he already knew she wouldn’t give. He wanted to reply to her but didn’t know what to say, so instead he resorted to taking another bite of toast. She turned away, seeming to know he had nothing to add.
There was something about that girl. Had he met her before? Her eyes seemed so familiar.
Did you glean any new writing and/or life lessons from writing this novel?
I did, hehe, I know very surprising considering I just let my characters do whatever they want. I learned that people care and love to help and be encouraging.
I learned that even if you aren’t ‘in the mood’ for writing you have to write anyway because that is the only way that you are going to get done.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this! here is a little book trailer that I made I hope you enjoy!
*disclaimer this is just a fun mock cover NOT REAL COVER
Rock On,
K. Florence